We are a church body planted in a widely diverse social and economic community in east Tulsa that is dedicated to ministering God's loving nature to a hurting world.
What we believe...
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16
Our guide:
All testimony to Jesus Christ must be tested by the scriptures which are the only unfailing and authoritative word for Christian faith, growth, and practice.
We confess our faith:
To provide a means whereby those who have been saved, redeemed and reconciled by God through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit understand and affirm their faith.
To bear witness to God’s saving activity in such a way that those who have not been saved, redeemed, and reconciled might believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and experience salvation.
Our Confession:
God speaks to the Human Family
The Human Family Breaks Relationship with God
God Acts through Jesus Christ to reconcile the World
God Acts through the Holy Spirit
God creates the Church for Mission
Christians Live and Witness in the World
God Consummates All Life and History
We abide by a system of internal relationships between Cumberland Churches by:
The Confession of Faith, the Constitution, Rules of Discipline, Directory of Worship, and Rules of Order